

April 2004

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Twice Conquered

A Brief Proscript copied from my handwritten journal :

Before that though, a literally Happy Easter Sunday to me and to everyone else, it has, for the record, been among the happiest Easter Sundays in my life to date...

I can tell from the tremble in my hand having have grown unaccustomed to writing after days of not having held a pen and from the date of the last heading just how long it has been since I last took the time to record my thoughts, and looking back, countless things have taken place since then, meaningful events which somehow managed to sneak their way unwritten past my normally diligent 'thought writing' - an 'argument' with qs was one of them followed by days of healing and reconcilation sealed by a balm of love and forgiveness on the part of both parties i'd like to think.

But right now my mind is very much focused on the long awaited coming about of, hard to believe but it really did come to exist with a 'little' out of character procrastination from qs, my blogsite, Lithesome.ICE. Qs actually waved his magic wand (or if you wish, seeing as how he's male and to avoid the alliteration to the fairy godmothers of our childhood bedtime stories, his magic hat), and seemingly out of thin air created what has become my own blogs. Nevermind that all this occurred after I bullied him and badgered him and laid a layer of guilt on him so thick and creamy that you could've used it as frosting for a Devil's Food Cake. This I topped off with a tantrum so bad that qs probably finally decided that he had better make the blogsite before one or both of us ended up in a mental sanitarium or an institution for the deaf.

In all honesty though, in the light of my loving and perfectly objective gaze, the site was worth all these long months of waiting, whining, and ranting. Just the interface itself with its sleekness, and its elegance, and its graceful lines is so stunning that the only other word I can come up with to describe it is 'celestial'. Tearing my enthralled and awed eyes from it was a major exercise of will, a double effort considering that I had to move both my eyeballs and my contact lenses as well. *impish smile*

So considering that qs was able to do all this including employing mild hypnosis on the Greymatter scripts in order to bend them to his will, me coerciing him and practically cracking a whip over him, another lesson in composure and grace under pressure has been bequeathed to me.

Thank you qs. I guess when love conquers, it subdues not only the one who is captured but the one who perceives himself to be the conqueror as well, even a beast such as myself who has been tamed into a flower carved from Lithesome.ICE. *wink*

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